Monday, May 1, 2017


Date: 05-01-2017
Companion: Sister Staker - until Wednesday
Area: Vancouver North Stake, Walnut Grove Ward - Until Wednesday

Hello everyone!!! Transfers are this week! And I'm getting TRANSFERED TO WOODLAND! I'm excited but I'm also extremely nervous. I love the people here in Walnut Grove and I'm sad to be leaving them. Here's the mission office address which is the only address I can give for this transfer. So send letters to the mission home:

2223 NW 99th St. 
Vancouver WA, 98665

It was really hard saying goodbye to everyone. I love my Walnutty Groovey ward. I can't wait to see all these people again not only when I visit the mission but when we are all reunited in the celestial kingdom!

We had a stake fireside last night that all the missionaries put together. It was all about Christ and how people have gained their testimony. There were tons of musical performances and the spirit was incredibly strong. I am so grateful for the knowledge I have of my savior. That he can physically help me through any trial that I am going through. I know that when we turn to him and have faith that he will guide us and strengthen us through our trials, that he truly will and we will be further blessed for our faith.


1-2. Michael came to the fireside last night!

3. "For the win" pose with the Tellez family

4-6. District pictures. We don't have fun at all.

7-8. Zone meeting picture.

9. Megan and Lawrence. I love them!! Megan was my first investigator

10. The Kestners! I love them!

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