Monday, May 8, 2017

Woodland 1st. Same subject, different week? Nah its all the same. Sorry for the long subject. It's like a fallout boy song or something

Date: 05-08-2017
Companion: Sister Phillips
Area: Longview Washington Stake, Woodland 1st Ward

HELLO. I am now in the woodland 1st ward serving with sister Phillips! We both came out at the same time so it's like 2 newbies who have no idea what they're doing but we're chugging along! It's all good! It's all very different. Definitely going to have to get used to the boonies. Haha! But it's been a good week. I've mostly been trying to get to know everyone in the ward. It's been great!

So I was nervous about transfers and i was praying super hard cause i was scared, and so much has happened. Heavenly Father has helped me so much I've learned a lot in the past couple of days just from personal revelation. I know that Heavenly Father loves me. And he loves you. And he wants to talk to all of you! Pray to him so he can help you! Because he wants to! I love you all so MUCH!

-Sister Emma Hansen

1. Sister samples and i my last night in walnutty groovey
2. Woodland
3. Saw a deer while Tracting? It's fine. Nbd  (translation for us older kiddos - "no big deal")

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