Monday, May 22, 2017

Finding Joy

Date: 05-29-2017
Companion: Sister Phillips
Area: Longview Washington Stake, Woodland 1st Ward


tbh I can't even remember a lot of what has happened this week. But for the most part it was a good week. There's been a couple of ups and downs and we definitely got lost for about a half an hour somewhere deep in the forest and I just kept waiting for Edward and Bella to pop out somewhere because we were THAT FAR THE THE FOREST. 

I'm not going to lie, we were 30 minutes late to a stake meeting and it was really embarrassing and i was getting really down on myself. There were a couple of other things that week that happened that were causing me stress and it was kind of bad for a little bit. But one thing that my previous companion was helping and is still helping me with is finding joy. That has been on my mind so much. I have the strongest testimony in looking for joy and looking for the good parts of life. I know that as we look for the happiness that Heavenly Father has blessed us with that we will truly find joy. And it will make everything worth it and easier, it won't take our trials away but we will feel God's hand in our life.

Please remember to find Joy this week! I love you all so much!

-Sister Emma Hansen

1. A sign up in the city we live in. Twilight it everywhere
2. Sister Phillips and I
3. View from some of the houses
4. Exchanges with sister Grant
5. On fire for Jesus

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