Monday, May 15, 2017

It was a week of miracles this week

Date: 05-15-2017
Companion: Sister Phillips
Area: Longview Washington Stake, Woodland 1st Ward


Well for starters, I loved being able to talk with my family this week! It was so much fun! I miss them all so much but I love being out here serving the Lord. And I know that what I am doing is where I'm supposed to be.


Saturday, Sister Phillips and I were tracting for 2 hours straight and it was pouring down rain and we were soaking wet and NO ONE WAS HAVING ANY OF IT. So it was time for us to start heading back to our dinner appointment and we're driving on this really busy road and we see a guy walking on the side of the road and Sister Phillips goes "we need to talk to him" and I was like.... are you kidding me. No. I just wanted to be done. But Sister Phillips says "no we're talking to him." So we flip a U-ie and he sees us and is kind of creeped out cause we're just like staring at him and we're on the other side of the road so we have to wait and its super loud so we can't talk to him and let's just say it was really AWKWARD. but then when we finally crossed the road and talked with him and he ended up opening up to us and telling us everything and how the gospel was exactly what he needed! His truck was broken down which is why he was walking but he said if he could get his truck started that he would come. He told us the general area where he lived but not his exact address. So Sunday rolls around and he wasn't there. We had two appointments cancel on us so we decided we would tract until we found him. Except the area he gave us was really general. Like 30 miles. So we prayed and tracted and WE FOUND HIM A SECOND TIME. It was AWESOME! He said he couldn't get his truck started. But we were able to give him a Book of Mormon and set up a return appointment! It was so cool. God totally helped us find him.

I know this is where I'm supposed to be and I love serving so much. Look for the miracles in your every day life. They're there.

~Sister Hansen

1. Sister Phillips and I
2. Sister Phillips taught the ice cream truck guy and bought some ice cream. Win win situation.
3. We went to a house that had chickens.

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