Monday, March 27, 2017

Eggcelent Week

Date: 03-27-2017
Companion: Sister Staker
Area: Vancouver North Stake, Walnut Grove Ward

Hello! So this week was a pretty good week! We did a lot of service, which was really fun because we got to go out and do things and it was just different. It was really nice. 

One good story about the work this week was getting to talk with and investigator named David! So we found him last Saturday and talked about Christ with him for a little bit, but we could smell the alcohol on his breath and we'd asked if we could come back Saturday and he said yes, but we didn't think he would be there, or let us in, or even remember us. Well we went back Saturday, and HE LET US IN. We talked to him and his wife and turns out she's been to utah and has seen the St George temple and has a book about all the temples! It was really awesome! And they said we could come back and teach them the Lessons! It just made me so excited about the rest of my mission! To be able to see the light in more people!

We went on a hike last p-day and it was so much fun! We didn't really go on a hike we kind of just sat by a river, but it was so beautiful so it was awesome. 

Some of the service we did this week was going to this members farm and holding/helping her chickens! It was so funny. She wanted us to hold her chickens to "humanize" them. It was our whole district plus another set of elders and half of us apparently grew up on farms and love chickens, and half of us are apparently TERRIFIED of chickens. So it was extremely hilarious! But then we also helped her clean out her garage. It was a lot of fun. The best part about it though, was that she gave us eggs at the end, and I was holding one single egg, and I went over to elder Williams and said "I'll give you a dollar to eat this egg right now" and he goes "show me the dollar" So I went to our car, and grab a dollar, sister staker shouts "oh let me video it!" And we're standing there, and she made both of us get in the video, and elder Williams is talking to me and all the sudden just SLAMS it on me!!!!! I'm trying to figure out how to send the video of it, so stay tuned. It was hilarious though. 

I have a testimony that God hears us. He doesn't hand us everything in life because salvation isn't easy. Salvation is something we have to work towards. The best thing isn't going to be easy to obtain, the harder life is, the better you are doing. He answers prayers in ways we dont expect. He can tell us solutions, but we have to make sure that we're willing to act, I know he hears your prayers. You are not alone. I love you all so much! I hope you have a fantastic week! 

-Sister Hansen

1. Sister Staker does this thing where she'll just randomly put things on her head. She does it in lessons all the time and it's hilarious so I decided to do it with her too.
2-3. Hike from last week.
4. Us with Sister Tellez on Sister Staker's birthday
5-8. chicken on chicken in chicken
9. Walking
10. Burgerville shakes which are SOOOO good

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