Tuesday, April 4, 2017

April Fools?

Date: 03-27-2017
Companion: Sister Staker
Area: Vancouver North Stake, Walnut Grove Ward

Hello friends! So there's not much that happened this week! I mean, we did a lot and we're working hard, we've found a lot of new investigators which is awesome! One really cool experience was that Sister Staker and I had been out all day and we were just having one of those days where nothing was working, and we were trying to not get angry or anything. We knock on a less active members door that we've been trying to meet for the past 3 weeks, and nothing. So we start walking and we decide to knock on a house across the street. At first the lady said she wasn't interested in Mormons, and we asked her what she knew, and she said not much. So we started talking about the Book of Mormon and how Christ came to visit the Americas and how the Holy Ghost would tell her if the book was true if she read it and prayed about it, and she goes "oh yeah! I've felt his spirit when I pray! He would totally tell me if it's true!" So we left 3 Nephi 11 with her and asked if we could come back and talk about it and she said yes!!! She was super excited about it too! That was a pretty great miracle!

GENERAL CONFERENCE WAS AWESOME. I really liked Elder Sabin's talk about being all in and how sometimes if we take a wrong turn, the GPS doesn't just quit and call us failures. We make a U-turn and just keep going! I loved it so much! I also loved how he talked about the sleeping bag! And how we can always put a little extra work in right now, to save ourselves in the future. It was awesome. I also liked how he said to let go of worldly things in order to hang onto eternal things. That was SOOOO GOOOOOD. Wow these men are definitely men of God and I have the strongest testimony that He speaks to us through them. If you haven't read his talk already, I challenge everyone to read it. If you have, I challenge you to put more in now, to help yourself later. Keep yourself warm with the spirit.

OKAY. Funny story of the week! We watched the Saturday afternoon session of conference at the church and the elders from our district were also there, and earlier that week they had asked us for a banana bread recipe because they had a TON of bananas that were going bad. We finally got a recipe to them and they said they would give us some bread when they were done making it. So after conference, they tell us to go to the kitchen cause they have the bread in there. They had made some for us and another set of elders in our district so they wanted us to cut the loaf and take how much we wanted and they'd give the rest to the other companionship. So I start cutting the bread and its gets really hard to cut in the middle and then it's just all liquidy!!! And then all the sudden THERE'S A BANANA PEAL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BREAD. The elders were laughing so hard they were dying, and that'
s what it made it so funny was that they were laughing so hard. Hahah! But then we cut out pictures of their faces and put it on their car after priesthood session so everyone saw it and it was hilarous. Lol.

I hope you all had a great time watching Conference! And if you haven't watched it yet GO WATCH IT! Be all in!! I love you all!

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