Monday, March 13, 2017


Date:  03-13-2017
Companion:  Sister Staker
Area:  Vancouver North Stake, Walnut Grove Ward

Hello Everyone! This week was a wild one. 

One thing i want to ask real quick is for everyone to send me their favorite scripture and tell me why! I would love to hear everyones!! 

Exciting news! MICHAEL IS ON DATE. Boooooooom. He is so cool. When we first started teaching him he just said he wanted to be Mormon so bad. He said he didn't know much about our church, but that it was Christ's church. His testimony is so strong. So he said he would be baptized in our last lesson. He's scheduled for April 1st, Ahhh I'm so excited for him. He's awesome and his spirit is so strong. He first picked the date of April 22nd and Christopher, one of the members who knows Micheal, said that was the first day they talked about the gospel 2 years ago, and Michael goes "wow. Spirit." But he said it like spurit, so now that's been our districts saying and hashtag for miracle texts. But its been pretty awesome. I'm so excited for Him! 

One funny story this week, Sister Staker and i were walking to a less active members house. We set up to come back to talk with her again and decided to tract around her house for a little bit. We knock on one door and we hear this really high pitch barking and we look behind us and there's this TINY dog. And we're just like "okay lol". This dog followed us to every house.  It would just go to the porch with us and then wait and then go to the next house. It followed us down the street, around the corner, and down another street! So we decided this dogs name was Elect and was going to lead us to the elect. It followed us to the next house and then we knocked and it took off. But the guy answered and said he was totally interested and let us come back! We look around and the dog was GONE. It was crazy!!!! #miracleseverywhere. It was awesome. 

Oh we had dinner with the lizard again this week. The family kept leaving the table so it was just Sister Staker, me, and the lizard for more than half of the dinner so we taught it about the plan of salvation. It was pretty awesome. We got all the way to the spirit world and resurrection. Also it's on date somehow. So that's awesome. Lol 

I have really funny videos but I can't figure out how to save them to my tablet cause Sister Staker has to send them to me, and it's all really confusing. So just imagine how funny it is. Lol

I love you all! Thanks for all that you do! If anyone has any cool experiences share them with me! I'd love to hear! Thanks for all the letters and packages! I'm super grateful! Love you!

-Sister Hansen

Elect the dog . . . he went on a trio with the Sisters this week

P.S.  For those of us that don't know "missionary" speak - "on date" means someone has set a date for baptism.  

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