Monday, February 13, 2017

Just Go 4 It

Date: 02-13-2017
Companion: Sister Staker
Area: Vancouver North Stake, Walnut Grove Ward

Before I start with anything that happened since last week, my mission has a couple of rules and I hope you’re all ready to be disappointed cause I CERTAINLY WAS WHEN I HEARD ABOUT ALL OF THIS. So . . .

1. Apparently I’m not allowed to email anyone in my mission, so I can’t email Hatch, Robinson, O'very, Proctor, Samples, Thiel, etc.

And 2. I can only email each person ONCE EVERY WEEK! What the heck? So this weekly email doesn’t count, but I can only send one email to each person that might email me back. So if I’m not emailing as much as I used to, I’m not ignoring you and know that I miss you all so much and I just want to talk to all of you. I LOOOOOVE you all.


Wowowowow this week was a crazy one! Monday night, the night before we left, out two districts in the MTC decided we all wanted to get priesthood blessings and it was seriously so cool. I love all the elders so much! It was so awesome to see them use their priesthood power and I know they’re going to do great things on their missions in Vancouver, Ogden, and Fort Collins.

Then we flew out Tuesday. And boy was it crazy. I was the travel leader and I’m 100% sure I had like 4 panic attacks trying to keep track of everyone. But we all got there, safe and sound. Our plane got delayed so we had more time to call and relax. BUT THEN our flight got bumped back up! So it was delayed an hour but then it was only delayed like 20 minutes so we had to rush to find everyone, only we couldn’t find two sister and I just started panicking and sister samples was awesome! She was so helpful and we just prayed, in this airport and everyone was just walking around us. So we got on the plane without the two sisters and like 5 minutes before we took off they came running onto the plane! GOD IS REAL. It was awesome! So then we landed and we met with president McAteer and he is so cool! We stayed in the mission home that night!

Then the next day we went to the mission office and met our new companions/trainers. My new companion is Sister Staker! And let me tell you, she is AWESOME, Heavenly Father definitely blessed me big time on this one! We are in the Vancouver north stake, in the walnut grove ward. We live with a member, her name is Sister Lister and she’s fantastic! They used to have elders here so we were whitewashed in which means both of us are new, don’t know the investigators, members, or area.

And then we tried to get all set up. Our area books are on our tablets, only it wasn’t syncing. So we didn’t have any of the information that we needed, LDS Tools wasn’t syncing either so we both only had our home wards information. Lol. AND we didn’t have a working phone! WE HAD NOTHING. We were at the grocery store just hoping that someone would come around the corner who was in our ward and could tell us some information. And all the sudden the elder that had been in this ward previously walked around the corner! GOD IS REAL. He was able to tell us enough information that we knew where dinner was, and a couple of investigators. It was awesome! So we went to a member’s house for dinner and they were awesome. We knocked on a couple of doors and this lady said her neighbors across the street were LDS. GOD IS REAL. So we ran across the street and it was the 1st councilor in the bishopric! They are the Kestners and they’re awesome as well!

Sorry this is so long, I’ll try to speed it up. So the next day (Thursday) we went to this lady’s house (I’m not allowed to write her name so for now she'll be M.) that the Elder told us about the day before. When we knocked on her door she says "I was just about to call you! I really want to talk with you guys" GOD IS REAL. So we walked in and started talking with her just a little bit and it was awesome. She actually came to church on Sunday! It was so cool!

Basically our saying this week has been "Just go for it!" Because we keep having technological problems and we have to just keep moving along. There have been so many miracles just in the past couple of days, it’s so cool!

One more funny story and then I’m out✌ so we had about 20 minutes before we were going to go back to our house to do some training so we decided to knock on a couple of doors. This one lady answers the door and Sister Staker starts asking her about God, etc. The lady seemed interested so we asked if we could come in and share a message and she was like "is that okay?" Turning around and there’s a man sitting on a chair, and he waves us in. She tells us that he just had 3 teeth pulled so he can’t talk and we're all oh no! That’s alright, we got the talking part down! So Sister Staker starts talking a little bit about Christ and tries to see where they’re at with their beliefs, and the man points to this bible that is sitting on their couch and the lady tells us he reads it a lot. Sister Staker asks if we can say a prayer to bring the spirit before we start and the man GOES HAM. He starts questioning us in what we believe in and who we're praying to and how many days are in a week and how long did it really take God to create the earth. And then he just starts talking about TONS of doctrine from the bible! I’m not gonna lie, I zoned out a couple of times, and most of it was over my head and he was talking really fast. But he talked for like 40 minutes straight. Every once in a while he'd ask a question, to which we could nod our heads to and he’d start off again. So finally he lets us start talking, and Sister Staker the ANGEL MISSIONARY THAT SHE IS jumps right into the restoration and it was so good! She talked for maybe 7 minutes and then was talking about the Book of Mormon and I’m not kidding the spirit was so strong! And then she asked me to bare my testimony and I’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t horrible. She speaks about the gospel so much better than me though, but anyway it was great! I’m not kidding! The spirit was so strong! And then the man starts off by saying "if what you just said is all true, than this book gets thrown out the window....." and then he just starts going off again! It was so frustrating! He talked for a while again and basically referred to us as poison in clean water, it was so funny. But it sucked because I know he felt the spirit. But then the lady asked a question about the Book of Mormon and asked if she could have one! It was so awesome!

But it was just so funny. The Lord has blessed me so much just in the 6 days I’ve been out. I love it so much! The work is great GOD IS REAL. It’s hard sometimes but the Lord is always there for us. This is a great ward and I can’t wait to serve it! Sorry it was so long, I’ll try to keep it shorter next time....


✌ Sister Emma Hansen ✌
District with Instructor Sister Linford 

Ogden Elders! Take care of them FAM
Elders Payne, Curtis, Lewis, Emry 


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