Monday, February 19, 2018

Goodbye Portland :)

Date: 02-19-2018
Companion: Sister Keetch
Area: Portland Stake, Sunnyside Ward

Honestly, I don't have much for this week except this. We hold a weekly book of Mormon class and this week we were reading about Alma and Amulek and I just think Amulek is such a great person and we can learn a lot about his story. In Alma10:4-5 Amulek tells the people that he is widely known and that he had lots of possessions, but that he wasn't following the ways of the Lord. He says his heart was hardened. But then he tells them about how an angel appeared to him and told him to wait for Alma and to feed him. And then the Lord uses Amulek and a HUGE instrument to help bring people closer to God. He's teaching, testifying, throwing down doctrine at Satan!! And I just think it's the coolest thing ever. Amulek wasn't this guy who had a huge moment where he felt like he needed to change everything. Amulek wasn't a guy that was evil and was called to repentance. Amulek wasn't this poverty stricken man, forced to he humble. Amulek must have been doing SOMETHING that allowed the spirit and an angel to talk to him. And as soon as they did, he changed his ways. He was very exact. He made his decision and he stuck to it. He was just this ordinary man, living life, and because he was willing to listen, he changed his own life and others for the better.

Everything we do influences other people. I've been thinking about that a lot lately. There is never a decision of "well it's just me." "It'll only hurt me" "It'll only benefit me" no. Everything you do can and will be seen or heard by others, or will effect others. If you're putting your eternal salvation at hand, you're not just affecting yourself. Your affecting your family because "families are forever". If you think others aren't always watching you and learning from you, you're wrong. If you think you can't make a difference, you're wrong.

Recently, I was trying to figure out why God wanted me to go to the semester of college before I came out on my mission. I've often thought back to it and been frustrated with myself because I could've gotten a job and saved up money. I don't remember hardly anything I learned from my classes. I'm not in contact with anyone that I met while there. I could not figure out why I needed that experience in my portfolio. But today, one of my roommates emailed me (I haven't talked to her in about 15 months) and she said she was 3 weeks into her mission in Chile. She said she had felt influenced by my decision. It was so cool to see God answer my prayers and tell me why that happened.

Remember, not everything is about you. You effect others as well. Think about that the next time you do or don't do something.


- Sister Emma Hansen

P.s. I'm leaving Portland I'll let y'all know my address next week!

1. District + Sister Bevan

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