Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Report to the Missionary Training Center

Today was the big day, Sister Hansen reported to the MTC. As her Mam, it was bitter-sweet to send her on her way. Her Dad and Brother may have even shed a few tears, but I doubt it as they are very manly and such (they bawled just like me).

In a previous post I shared with you a bit about Emma's bestie Mollie Petersen, who is also in the MTC (she entered on January 4th) getting ready to head to the Tallahassee Florida Mission. It was our hope that Mollie would be able to serve as a "host" today and greet Emma at the curb as we dropped her off.

As we pulled up to our assigned area, I saw her . . . Mollie's beaming smile. I immediately began the crying, the really ugly cry thing, ewah, not pretty. I squeezed Mollie and she squeezed Emma and properly shook Bill and Bryce's hands. We unloaded the luggage and I squeezed Mollie again for her mama and Mollie took Emma by the hand and off they went to serve the Lord. It was absolutely wonderful, until they both refused to get in my car and come home with me. I'm grateful to my Heavenly Father for that small blessing, it calmed my mama heart to leave Emma with Mollie. I only cried all the way home (after the boys pried my fingers off the curb- not really, but I considered it).

What is the MTC? Mormon missionaries generally arrive at an MTC with a foundation of religious knowledge gained from years of instruction at home and church. Many Mormon families study the Bible and other books of scripture together daily. Many youth also attend weekly high school and college religion courses the Church offers. And on top of this are weekly Mormon worship services, held on Sundays for three consecutive hours. MTCs provide a decidedly more rigorous curriculum rooted in gospel fundamentals. Life at the MTC consists of daily practice teaching situations, gospel classroom instruction from teachers who are former missionaries, weekly devotional addresses from Church leaders, and weekly service opportunities.

Following the pattern Jesus Christ established in the New Testament, full-time Mormon missionaries are sent out two by two (see Mark 6:7). They spend all day, every day, with an assigned companion (once they depart the MTC, companion changes occur every couple of months).

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