Saturday, January 28, 2017

10 More Days

Date: 01-28-2017
Companion: Sister Packard & Sister Thiel
Area: MTC

Hello everyone! 

You just gotta do this pose when you're in a trio!
Week 2 of the MTC was crazy! I'm not gonna lie, everything just kind of blends together and all I really remember is sitting in class all day. We started TRC, (lol I can't remember what that stands for) but it's basically to practice teaching investigators and you don't really know if they're members or not. They went really well and I learned I need to work on a lot. It's hard with 3 people because you don't want the investigator to get weirded out that there's one person who didn't say anything the whole time, but it's hard to get all 3 people teaching something when there's only a 25 minute lesson. It's been good though and we've worked on all of us participating in a lesson. 

All the sisters in my district are sick and I'm trying my hardest to not get sick. I'm constantly washing my hands and using hand sanitizer! Hah! 

The MTC is very interesting and while I'm learning a lot, I'm learning a lot of what I need to learn. I love it here even though it's so hard. My district is awesome. I love all the sisters. Sister Carter is awesome and I love her so much. Sister Sperry is her companion and she's so sweet and kind. They're both going to Fort Collins, Colorado, and so is Sister Packard. Sister Packard, Thiel (teal) and I are in a companionship. Boy am I learning patience. But I'm also learning how crazy it is how much love you can feel for people you've just met. I can't imagine leaving them in 10 days. I love them all so much and I know that I wouldn't be able to be as strong without them. The Lord has definitely blessed me while I'm here. I love this gospel so much and I'm grateful for the opportunity to go out and share it. 

Mollie left to Tallahassee on Tuesday morning at like 3 am, and I woke up at that time to say goodbye to her again. She's gonna do great. It's weird because time is super slow and super fast while you're here. It feels like I got here 4 years ago, but that Mollie just left yesterday. I'm grateful for the examples I had in my life! The gospel is True! Believe it! Live it! Love it! 

Sister Hansen

1. Mollie and I, the day before she left
2. Sister Thiel, me, and Packard
3. District 39 C. (Thiel, me, Packard, Robinson, Lewis, Sperry, Emry, Carter, and Hatch is the one being held up)
4. Our Zone before 39 A got here. (Elders: Robinson, Emry, Hatch, Lewis, Ricks, Payne, Curtis, Cerezo. Sisters: Me, Packard, Coder, Carter, Samples, Proctor, O'very, Black, Larsen, Thiel, and Sperry.)

P.s. Elder Lewis and Emry are serving in Ogden, so if anyone happens to see them tell them ya know me and give them lots of support!

Sister Hansen & Sister Petersen

Sister Thiel, Sister Hansen & Sister Packard

District 39 C
Thiel, me, Packard, Robinson, Lewis, Sperry, Emry, Carter,
and Hatch is the one being held up

Zone 39
Elders: Robinson, Emry, Hatch, Lewis, Ricks, Payne,
Curtis, Cerezo. Sisters: Me, Packard, Coder, Carter, Samples,
Proctor, O'Very, Black, Larsen, Thiel, and Sperry

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